Description Basket Details Delivery Brands Add style and grace to any home decor with the Audrey faux flower arrangement. With two colossal, white Tamora roses in dual stages of bloom. arranged in a classic mirrored vase, this whimsical vision of timeless beauty is named after the film and fashion icon herself. Audrey Hepburn was known for her elegance, style, and grace, and this stunning piece embodies all of those qualities. It’s the perfect way to show someone special how much you care and makes for a thoughtful gift for any occasion. Faux Flowers: Two white tamora roses in dual stages of bloom Vase: Mirrored cube vase SKU - S31823 Box Dimensions - 9x9x15 in Weight - 1.7 lb Faux Flowers: Two white tamora roses in dual stages of bloom Vase: Mirrored cube vase See More SKU - S31823 Box Dimensions - 9x9x15 in Weight - 1.7 lb