Description Basket Details Delivery Brands Our Elizabeth Arrangement of faux garden roses is named after the iconic Queen Elizabeth, who is known for her grace, elegance and timeless beauty. This stunning arrangement features beautiful blooming and fully bloomed dark fuchsia colored garden roses designed in a clear cylinder vase, adding vibrant color to any room. They require no maintenance and can be enjoyed all year round, bringing the beauty of nature indoors and evoking feelings of joy and happiness. Faux Flowers: Fully bloomed dark fuchsia roses Vase: Clear cylinder vase SKU - S32423 Box Dimensions - 9x9x15 in Weight - 1.15 lb Faux Flowers: Fully bloomed dark fuchsia roses Vase: Clear cylinder vase See More SKU - S32423 Box Dimensions - 9x9x15 in Weight - 1.15 lb
Quick view Out of stock Add to Cart The item has been added Baskits Marilyn (Faux Flowers) MSRP: $175 ( NaN% off)