A Bas(kits) Cure

A Bas(kits) Cure

2021 Dec 16th

This Thursday, our Thoughts are all about everyone's favourite: the deadly hangovers. We have all had one, or two (or maybe even three), and all wish we hadn't. Although, sometimes a treat, alcohol can leave the very best of in dire need of remedy. And how to cure the deadly hangover, you might ask? Look no further then Baskits, because the forbidden juice, that we all like to indulge in, from time-to-time, requires we all have a hangover cure!

Introducing our Baskits' Hangover Helper Gift Box - the perfect gift to show that you’ve got someone's back when soothing last nights aftermath is the only option. This box is the perfect bundle to help you remember the killer night, without letting the night "kill" you. From Advil Tablets, Clamato Juice, Hangover Helper Tea and more, with this box, you're sure to feel better in no time.

And, in case those don't do the trick - we've got one more trick up our sleeves! Although some would say this isn't the healthiest option, one way to deal with a hangover, is to continue the binging - which is why in our helper gift box, you're also gifting a 375 ml bottle of Grey Goose Vodka. We've heard, (from a friend, of course) that you can't feel the hangover, if you never stop drinking.

The gift to really show your regular clubbing group, just how desperately you need them recover, so you can have another repeat of the same fun night out. Or, if you really want to send the cutest housewarming gift to your recently-turned legal child away at university, (and get in their good graces), this box truly is the perfect care package.

So, here's to you - your hangover, and the necessary Baskits cure that we all need!