As North America’s premier gift delivery service, we have the privilege of serving over 50,000 loyal customers on a regular basis. Each year, we produce a new gift catalog that is sent to hundreds of thousands of businesses and high-income households across the United States and Canada. Our design team scours the globe to carefully hand-select the finest gifts to fill our Baskits. Though we actively source internally, suppliers and companies who wish to work with us are welcome to send us products for consideration. This is a great marketing and business opportunity for any brand.
Please review the below if you are a vendor wishing to work with Baskits.
It is important to include a few samples of each product you hope to include in our Baskits, send us your very best! We look for gifts that fit nicely within various sized Baskit bases, are esthetically pleasing and have beautiful, modern, and trendy packaging. Choose your favorite products, best sellers, and anything else you believe would collaborate perfectly with our brand. Also ensure to include your wholesale price lists and contact information!
We begin our product search in the early months of the year. Please send your complimentary samples and respective information to us anytime between January and May.
We will always contact you to say thank you for sending in your samples. The design process is very thorough and will take time. Please be patient. Short-listed companies, whom we wish to see more from, will hear back from Baskits anytime between April and June.
We require the following caveats be met to consider a partnership:
- Wholesale prices
- Products to have a minimum shelf life of 4 months
- Must be able to produce large quantities of the provided SKUs (1,000+)
- SKUs must be available from October to October of the year selected
- Exclusivity - You must not supply other gift basket companies in the GTA.
416.755.1100 sourcing@baskits.com